Web App
Full Stack
NASA Picture of the Day App
NASA Picture of the Day App
- • This app was built in React and utilized one of NASA's popular Open API's — Astronomy Picture of the Day.
- • The data displayed on the page includes: title, date, description, and photo. These are pulled from the API so everyday a new picture is displayed with a new set of data!
- • Please feel free to take a look at my code on GitHub and visit my website by clicking here.
React | React Router | JavaScript | JSON | SPA | GitHub Pages | CSS | HTML5
Web App
- • A fully functioning calculator that: adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides whole numbers and decimals.
- • Please feel free to take a look at my code on GitHub and visit my website by clicking here.
ES6 JavaScript | GitHub Pages | CSS | HTML5
Full Stack
Markdown Blog
Markdown Blog
- • A complete blog with markdown support!
- • Gives you the ability to create, edit, and delete your own articles directly on the website.
- • Please feel free to take a look at my code on GitHub and visit my website by clicking here.
Express | MongoDB | Node.js | DOMPurify | Marked | Heroku | EJS | Firebase Database | JavaScript | CSS | HTML5
(Currently Undergoing Maintenance)
Thank You
Thank you for your time, I truly appreciate it and hope we can work together!